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Alice Portraited



Just before the rain, under a grey leaden sky, a magical photographic instant has just taken place between Lewis Carroll, an English gentleman and writer, and Alice Liddell, the girl who inspired him to write Alice in Wonderland.


Short film | 35mm | 7min | Spanish / English subtitles | Produced by Producciones Doble Banda/ La Zanfoña producciones; 2003

Director: Pablo García; Executive producer: Yolanda Olmos; DoP: Manel Almiñana; Film editing: Pablo García; Sound: Verònica Font; Sound designer and mixer: Verònica Font/Juan Sánchez "Cuti"; Art director: Amanda Baqué; Makeup: Raquel Espada

With Fele Martínez in the role of Lewis Carroll and Cristina Morales as Alice Liddell as a girl.


With the support of ICAA, Junta de Comunidades Castilla-La Mancha


Awards&festivals: selected at the 2003 Cannes Critics' Week and received a special mention from the jury at Abycine the same year.  




© 2016 by Pablo García

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